Welcome to the New Ricochet Science !
If you are one of our many return users at Ricochet Science, you may be noticing a change when you hit our site today. Like everywhere else in our digital world, we are evolving to address the changes in the environment that we live in.
For years, as a textbook author, science educator, and innovator on the evolution of science content delivery, I have used this platform to provide relevancy for my projects. Initially, it was to support my textbooks, to provide content in a faster manner, to add relevancy for the students, and to try out new topics and ideas before putting them into print.
Like everything else in science, that idea has evolved. From my experiences as a science educator, and one of the leading authors of science textbooks, I realized that it all comes down to relevancy.
People want to learn about what moves them. They want to feel the relevancy of science. They want to experience the world we live in.
As a teacher, that is my role, and as an innovator of experiences, that is my goal.
And so, I introduce to you the new Ricochet Science. And with it, my new editor Kayla Windelspecht. While many of you may not be familiar with Kayla, you are familiar with her content. For years she has been the scientist supporting all of my projects, from here at Ricochet Science, to our international ventures.
As a science educator, a teacher, and a father, I couldn’t be more proud to introduce you to the next-generation of this site. I’m sure you will enjoy the journey
What happened to the old content? We have been migrating over the more popular articles from the previous version. Most articles from 2020 onward have been moved. But if you don’t see an article you were previously linking out to, just contact us here and we will move it for you!
Did the URLs Change? As part of the rework of the site we migrated all of the content to a SquareSpace platform to allow for an easier access for our contributors. Unfortunately, this meant that the old URLS were no longer valid. But they are similar! Just add /blog/ between RicochetScience.com and the old article name. For example, www.ricochetscience.com/blog/article-name.
What About Email Updates? We have also migrated all of our previous subscribers to a new MailChimp account. From there we will be sending out monthly newsletters on new content and the happenings on our sister sites. You can of course unsubscribe at any time, and we will never give out your information to another organization.