Hope in the Face of Climate Change
As the world continues to see unprecedented storms, fires, heat waves and other natural disasters, it’s easy to be resigned and think that climate change is inevitable — that there is nothing we do can change these devastating results. In 2019 alone, we’ve seen historic in Pakistan and record-breaking heat waves and drought across China, the U.S. and Western Europe that have dried rivers, fueled wildfires, and harmed food and energy production.
Carbon Emissions at All-Time Low
People are feeling the traumatic impacts of climate change now, and this reality should be recognized, grieved and addressed. However, behind the urgent headlines and news stories on natural disasters, something else is happening. Carbon dioxide emissions in the United States are still five percent lower than pre-pandemic levels (in 2019) and 19 percent lower than its peak in 2007. That means we’re at the lowest level of carbon emissions we have been since the 1960’s, which is monumental.
This is in large part due to the continued reduction in coal production since 2005. When it comes to energy sources, coal is the biggest producer of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, which is responsible for 28 percent of global carbon emissions. Of the remaining operating coal-fired power plants, at least 28 percent plan to retire by 2035. Power companies have installed new wind turbines and solar panels at a record pace over the past two years, too.
Renewables Are Now the Cheapest Form of Energy
Renewable energy is becoming much cheaper than fossil fuels. In just ten years, the cost of solar energy has decreased by about 90 percent, making it the cheapest form of energy to produce in history. Investments by the government and industry into clean energy have grown by 12 percent each year since 2020, and this is in large part due to pressure by concerned people, communities and activists groups for sustainability. New renewable energy power grids and storage account for more than 80 percent of the total power sector investments. Researchers estimate that spending on solar, batteries and electric vehicles is now growing at a rate consistent with reaching global net zero emissions by 2050. Most of the world lives in places where renewable energy sources are cheaper than dirty energy. The more the U.S. and other wealthier countries invest in renewables, the more affordable these technologies will be making them easier to be adopted worldwide to meet increasing energy demands.
Photo by Zbynek Burival on Unsplash
We Are Heading In the Right Direction
All of this is a great starting point. As a country and a planet, we are heading slowly in the right direction, but we must move more quickly. At the same time, we must also remember to celebrate our wins so that we can continue to press forward. Slightly over half of all cumulative global CO2 emissions in human history have occurred since 1990, the year of the first IPCC Assessment Report. This is such a short period of time, but it also reminds us that we can reverse our emissions in as short period of time. This is not an excuse to backslide, but rather a call for action.
To mitigate climate change impacts and reduce overall emissions will require action at all levels. The federal government has recently passed major climate change legislation such as the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and others with the potential cut emissions by 50 percent this decade and sets the stage to make larger cuts within reach. States and local governments must take advantage of these opportunities as well. However, people and local communities are what push the envelope and where the real change starts. Coal production in the U.S. decreased due to the increasing demand for cleaner air, waters, and environments to live in by people rallying together for change. Renewable energy is cheaper today because citizens have pushed congress to fund more research into them.
Everyone can be a fighter against climate change, we just have to take a stand. We all have very specific and important roles to play, whether it’s with protests in the streets, political action such as voting or speaking with your representative, or even advocating for your school or job to implement more sustainable practices. Project Drawdown released a report on the role of all types of jobs in fighting climate change and actions you can take. Every job is a climate job, and we must all work together to think globally and act locally to create the future we know is possible.